La Voix Humaine, Singapore Symphony Orchestra’s VCH Presents Series

“Singaporean soprano Jennifer Lien, who is based in the United States, deserved full credit for her excellent singing in the role of Elle. The performance was also backed by strong acting and natural stage movement. She sings with a strong, clear voice and unfailing accuracy. She began calmly and lyrically, but as the work progressed, she gradually, almost imperceptibly, piled on the intensity and emotion as she desperately clung on to her failed relationship.”

–The Straits Times, May 13, 2018

“Playing Elle is US-based Singaporean singer Jennifer Lien, and as she moves from flirty to desperate to downright hysterical, the intimate, one-sided melodrama is both entertaining to watch while heartbreakingly relatable… there’s a vulnerability expressed in both her flustered appearance and her voice. With the acoustics in the Victoria Concert Hall, each emotional lilt, angry or tearful can be heard as it resonates throughout the entire hall, allowing every mood to permeate us during the performance.”

– Bakchormeeboy blog, May 14, 2018 

“The opera [showcases] the stars of the show – sonorous and clear-voiced soprano Jennifer Lien and acclaimed pianist Shane Thio.”

– Bakchormeeboy blog, May 7, 2018 

“Lien… brings both passion and vulnerability to the role, inviting the audience to both empathise with her heartache and be startled by her emotional outbursts. The score allows her to take liberties with the music, manipulating every pause for as long as she desires. And this she does — reminding us that at the end of a relationship, it is the silences that resonate the loudest.”

–The Flying Inkpot, May 7, 2018

 “Shane Thio and Jennifer were amazing to watch.”

– Sistic Singapore, Instagram post, May 4, 2018


Dialogues of the Carmelites, New Opera Singapore